Mechanochemistry provides the means to react different solids with one another, in the absence of reagents and in the absence of solvent. The application of mechanical forces through the use of ball mill reactors offers many advantages over traditional batch strategies. Solvent-free or solvent-less conditions have been identified and can be observed. Furthermore, the experiments are easy to run and product manipulation and isolation can be greatly simplified.
The LabFact team is using mechanochemistry to improve organic transformations and the synthesis of new materials and polymers. For recent advances in mechanochemistry, see our key publications.
Mechanochemistry makes it possible to react different solids with each other in the absence of a liquid phase (solvents). The application of mechanical forces through the use of ball mill reactors offers many advantages over traditional “batch” strategies such as durability and faster kinetics. In addition, the experiments are easy to perform, and the manipulation and isolation of the products are greatly simplified.
The LabFact team uses mechanochemistry to improve organic synthesis transformations and the synthesis of new materials and polymers.
Members Involved
Key Publications:
- Mechanochemistry for organic chemists: An update , Tan D. and T. Friščić, J. Org. Chem. 2018, 18-33.